We are fierce champions of the West Midlands, driving inclusive growth and social value by uniting local businesses with local communities, to benefit young people, marginalised communities, the third sector, volunteers and people with disabilities. 

Learn more about our impact below.

BackgroundLadybug Lodge is a newly formed children’s charity organisation in Coventry, supporting children and young people aged 0 – 25,

Background SiD is a company committed to inclusive dance practice. Since 2012 we have delivered distinct, exemplary and creative driven

Background: That! Dance is an inclusive community dance group, based in Staffordshire. We formed following the end of Critical Mass

The Stronger Together Festival took place in the grounds of Queensbridge School on Thursday 4th July. The festival involved pupils, teachers

Common Ground Arts project received £60,000 from the Bring the Power Youth Programme to deliver high-quality artist residencies to 7

On 19th May, 2024, Priory Community Centre delivered one of these Festival Day’s in Dudley. The organisation was awarded £7,000

The Challenge Chantelle Orris, Artistic Director, set up the Disorderly Company in order to bring to light enviromental issues in

Wild Earth CIC are a social enterprise based in Coventry, set up in 2011 They work with young people and

Our role in the Inclusive Communities Fund was to empower communities to propose and implement solutions to real issues in

From a young age, ZeZe was diagnosed with autism, psychosis and a personality disorder, and has lived experience as a

Gazebo Theatre is a ‘Theatre in Education’ company based in Wolverhampton. They tour professional theatre productions, run arts programmes in