A community legacy beyond the games

Born out of the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, United By 2022 was created to continue the Legacy of a groundbreaking Games.

The Games may be gone but we remain the fiercest champions of the West Midlands, driving inclusive growth and social value by uniting local businesses with local communities, to keep that 2022 feeling of pride alive!

Keeping the pride alive with
our partners & supporters

united by 2022’s mission, vision, values and impact

Our vision is to make the West Midlands a centre of excellence for community engagement, social value and volunteering.

We are on a mission to drive inclusive growth and social value by connecting responsible businesses with local charities and community groups.

We are Uniting, Connectors, Relevant and Proud.


United by legacy

United By 2022 has evolved a lot since created in 2021, but we have always held community, volunteers and young people at the heart of all we do. Our journey can be split into 4 chapters.

2021-22 Games for Everyone

A groundbreaking Games delivers the first ‘social value charter’, connecting private sector suppliers and local charities, generating £300m in social value. The Games advanced inclusion, catalysed change and sparked civic pride, with the volunteers the stand-out stars! Against this backdrop 12 legacy programmes were delivered and valued at £85 million.

2022-23 Setting up the Charity

With a mission to enable more people to benefit from the Games legacy, 5 ‘trailblazer’ programmes were extended under the Legacy Enhancement Fund; Volunteering – The Volunteers Collective; Gen22 – Youth Volunteering Programme; Bring the Power – School Programme; Critical Mass – Disability Inclusion; Social Value – Connecting responsible businesses with local Charities.

2023-25 Completing Games Legacy

United By 2022 delivers our 5 trailblazer programmes, rejuvenating event volunteering, expanding youth volunteering and continuing to advance disability inclusion in the process. We commence region-wide community investment to build resilience and skills in charities and community groups. We engage priority community groups in the Inclusive Communities Fund, building skills and funding readiness across the West Midlands third sector.

2025 – 2032 Uniting the Region

With a vision to make the West Midlands a centre of excellence for community engagement, social value and volunteering, we drive inclusive growth and social value by connecting responsible businesses with local charities and community groups.

We champion the region as a destination for major events, with a place-based volunteer workforce who keep that 2022 feeling of pride alive!


Experts in Volunteering,
Community Engagement
& Social Value

Our work across volunteering, community engagement and social value aims to benefit young people, marginalised communities, the third sector and people with disabilities.


With over 2,500 legacy Games volunteers, partnerships with local businesses offering skilled volunteers, and an award-winning youth volunteering programme under our belt, volunteering, in all its shapes and sizes, is our bread and butter. 

Community engagement

We make it our business to engage the unusual suspects, reaching people and places that don’t typically feel included. We are the trusted advisor to over 500+ community organisations, who we provide real time support to.

socIAl Value

We support businesses to make social value a part of the way they do business every day, we measure the social value they are generating, connect them with local communities they otherwise wouldn’t come across, to grow their impact and share their stories. 

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